Hello friends and family,
What a busy week it has been. We went from no work to being too busy and not having enough time to eat. We saw all kinds of miracles and found all kinds of new investigators. We have some great new people we found that we are teaching.
Well, this week we got completely lost on our way to our investigators home. They live in a small village and we got off at the wrong bus stop so we had to walk forever, and we were in the middle of nowhere. Finally, after we were 2 hours late, we made it to the program. Our investigator couldn’t help but laugh, but at least we could make the excuse of being two, clueless American girls. She was so nice and it was a great program. She fed us waffles with Nutella and after that we just forgot to eat because we were running around.
Last week, a women showed up to church with her Mormon friend and asked if we could set up with us and meet. We were able to meet with her and answer all her questions. In our program we got to know her and she just talked about what she has experienced in her life. It has been very hard for her. As we sat there and listened, she just started to cry. She mentioned how strong she feels she needs to be for her family. Her story was so sad and she has to work two jobs just to make ends meet. She said the reason she came on Sunday was to gain at least some strength. Sister Withers and I bore our testimonies and told her that she was in the right place. I know Heavenly Father sent her to hear our special message which can give us strength and hope for a brighter day. It can give us peace and comfort and a friend, greater than all, Jesus Christ who suffered, bled and died because he loved us. God knew it wouldn’t be easy, he knew there would be times when we feel so alone and afraid. He loves us more than we could ever imagine, and he sent his only begotten son to heal us and save us. Heavenly Father is waiting for us with open arms, and a merciful heart. She really is so special and so real and honest. I love her.
It was such an eventful week! We had great programs and met with great people. We were able to get all kinds of numbers and pass out 6 Book of Mormons on the street. People are so willing to set up and meet its amazing. Honestly, so many miracles that we have seen and the work is really picking up. I am so grateful to be here with Sister Withers. She is so positive, fun and hardworking. We are having the best time and meeting all kinds of wonderful people. It was a great week filled with all kinds of programs and new investigators.
I love you all and I want to thank you for all your love and support. I hope you have a great week. Be safe and God bless.
Sok Szeretettel, Whittaker Nővér