Sister Whittaker’s 71st Week

October 12, 2015


Hello Friends and Family, 

What a wonderful week it has been. On Wednesday, we went up for transfers to meet the missionaries new to the country. They held a meeting for the trainers, and we had a great training provided by the APs. Then we were able to meet our new greenys. I’m the luckiest out of them all, because I get to serve with Sister Withers. She is from Alpine, Utah. She is the sweetest, happiest person with the best attitude. It is a joy to be with her and serve with her. I couldn’t have asked for a better last transfer on my mission.

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Since having been whitewashed into Szolnok, Sister Withers and I had no idea where we were going. We got to the train station in Szolnok around 8 oclock at night and we were completely far from our apartment. There was no elevator, we had too much luggage to carry and we had to carry each piece of luggage one by one up the stairs. I was dying. I was asking everyone for directions. We were waiting at the bus stop and a bus comes that I didn’t know and everyone gets on. Everyone is staring at us telling us something, and luckily if they didn’t say anything for us to get on, we would have been stranded. It was the last bus of the day. This guy was nice and helped us with all our luggage and just chuckled the whole time because of how lost and silly we looked. haha. We finally made it home in one piece and had to take our luggage up five more flights of stairs. Sister Withers kept the biggest smile on her face loving every little moment. We slept reaaaal good. The next morning my arms were so sore! haha.


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There isn’t a lot of work in Szolnok, so pretty much we have been doing a lot of finding all day long and we have been successful as well. When we got here we only had only 2 investigators. I think back to when I was a greeny, terrified to talk anybody, and Sister Withers is doing the complete opposite. She is doing incredible and speaks so well. I feel so happy and great because we are being obedient, we work so hard and we have the strongest desires to do our best. I am not even thinking about home or what I miss. I doesn’t even feel like I am going home so soon. I love it here, and I love being with my new companion. I was afraid to be a trainer, move to a new area and whitewash the area, but I know this isn’t just me that is doing it. We met the ward on Sunday and they are great and so loving! I have met a lot of them throughout my mission, so it’s really fun to see them all again. What is sad is only like 25 people come to church here, so we will try to fix that. We saw all kinds of miracles this week! We got a few numbers, gave away at least 6 Book of Mormons and had a lot of great conversations about the gospel. Szolnok really is a great place and we went from 0 people to 15 programs next week!! We are getting somewhere!!! So we are excited to see what it brings. We are looking forward to the many adventures ahead.

I just want you all to know that I love this Gospel. Truly, it has brought me such great happiness. There really is no better time, then to push the world away and focus on what is most important. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is so precious.


I hope you all have a great week!

Sok szeretettel,
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