Monthly Archives: January 2015
Sister Whittaker’s 25th Week in Hungary
January 20, 2015
Hello Friends and Family!
This week has been full of miracles and trials! John, our miracle man we found on the street has been meeting with us every day. The Book of Mormon has been hard for him to get a grasp on and his lack of faith has been getting in the way. He told us of an experience he had before he left his apartment. Before he leaves out the door and starts his memorized prayer, he blurts out, “Go with faith!” He knew it was God trying to tell him something.
John, Sister Schnoor and I wanted a taste from home so we decided to go treat ourselves with a delicious steak.
On Friday a professional violinist, Béla, serenaded us. Béla invited us over and can play about any instrument you can imagine.
Yesterday while we were sitting in Sunday school, we see one of our past investigators, Gabor’ face pop up in the window. Gabor came to church! A week ago he didn’t feel like baptism was for him, but he is back and wanting to meet. God will never leave us astray!
This week was harder then most and I found myself praying more than ever. I had quite the miracle this week with the language. I just prayed and prayed for guidance and help that this language could get a little easier. We were sitting in a lesson with an investigator of ours that is quite hard to understand. As I was sitting there, I was amazed that I understood almost everything he was saying. Not only could I understand, but I was speaking what was on my mind. It was a feeling I’ll never forget. I know God answers our prayers exactly when we need them and when we truly choose to humble ourselves.
Thank you for all your kind words or love and support. I hope you all have a great week! God bless.
All my love, Whittaker Nővér
Sister Whittaker’s 24th Week in Hungary
January 12, 2015
Hello Friends and Family,
It’s been another wonderful week in beautiful Győr. I feel absolutely blessed for the people we taught and the people we met. We had beautiful weather this week. The air was warm and the snow is starting to melt so all is well! Sadly, we had to drop two of our investigators because they didn’t feel ready to make big commitments, but with prayers and much persistence I know God will prepare them for the perfect time.
This week we have been praying to see that miracle family we met about a week ago. While we were out walking, we ran right into the grandfather and he was so excited to see us. The next day we met, got a quick bite and talked about religion. Have a mentioned that he is a professional violinist? Such a sweet man and is willing and open to talk about the gospel. I knew it was an answer to our prayers.
We worked incredibly hard this week and found all kinds of people that are ready. I love being a missionary. I have met people that will change my life forever. I know this church is true and that through prayer, we can communicate with our Heavenly Father. He is just waiting to pour out those blessings to us.
Have a wonderful, safe week. Thank you for all your prayers!
All my love, Whittaker Nővér
Sister Whittaker’s 23rd Week in Hungary
January 5, 2015
Happy New Year, friends and family!
What a wonderful holiday break it has been here in Györ. I wish my letter could do justice explaining all the miracles we’ve seen throughout this week. It has sure been deathly cold and I think my buns have fallen off. On one freezing day, we headed out to find a referral we had received. We got completely lost and somehow made it on the other side of town. We stopped a man to ask for directions and his reply, “Yes! Hello sisters!” It was quite the surprise for us because it was in perfect English. Turns out, he is from Hungary, lived in Canada for over 40 years and got deported back to Hungary. He’s got a handle bar mustache, tattoos and the voice of a very sincere, good man. He had met with sisters in the past but stopped because he didn’t understand a few things they taught. Recently, he had a dream that he would meet the sisters again on this same street. God is very aware of each and every one of us. He is always putting people in our paths.
After we met John, we headed in the right direction and finally made it to our referrals apartment. Unfortunately, we didn’t know their ringer so we were stuck outside and had to wait. About 2 minutes after a family comes to the door and I ask the lady if she knows a woman named Aggie. With complete shock on her face, she says, “that is me!” We told her who we were and she remembered meeting missionaries in the past. She was warm and welcoming and told us to come back next week.
Hungarians know how to party hard during the holidays. They go all out and during new years they have stands full of hair wigs and pigs, who knew?! Doesn’t matter if your 90 or 10 years old, you’ll be wearing some kind of pink or curly haired wig. There are no rules when it comes to fireworks. We didn’t think we’d make it through the night by how loud it was. Definitely a New Years we will never forget.
We had quite the miracle this week while out streeting one night. We did our last circle around town and decided to go in for the night. A family randomly stopped us and asked us if we spoke Italian. A few minutes later they were insisting we go with them to a fish restaurant and bought us dinner and were so incredibly kind to us. We talked to them about the Mormon Church and why God is so important in our lives. Turns out, the whole family is musically talented and they are all professional violinists who are now living in Vienna. We were so taken back by there kindness, we just kept asking them over and over why in the world they would take two young girls who were complete strangers out to dinner. The father replied, “I just had a feeling I should. I work with people all the time and I can tell what kind of people they are. You two just had such special spirits about you, I just knew I had to take you out to dinner and get to know you.” They ended up giving us all their information and told us to come stay with them in Vienna at anytime.
I am blown away that it is already 2015. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I have a feeling this will be the best year yet. Life is too short so make the most of each day. I know God lives and I know this church is true.
All my love, Whittaker Nővér.