Szia family and friends!
This week has been absolutely incredible. The language is still a struggle but each day my companions and I are all improving. I leave in three weeks! Wow, that is a scary thought but I can’t wait to meet those amazing Hungarians.

This week was great and my companions and I were able to leave spirit prison (The MTC) for a few hours. My companion, Briney Nover has been having back problems since her previous car crash about 7 months ago. She never was able to go see a doctor until just Monday. That morning before class started we went to the MTC Clinic to have her get checked. The doctor wanted her to go get a few X-rays because it looked worse then he thought. We left the MTC and headed over to the BYU Clinic where she got a few X-rays. The doctor was right, it was worse then he thought and she has Scoliosis. The doctor didn’t want to have it be anything worse so he sent her to get an MRI at the Riverwoods Urgent Care Center. Yes, we were able to leave the MTC. That was a scary thought. What is even more weird is that I could have walked home right then and there. As we sat in the urgent care waiting room a man walked in and started filling out some paperwork. My companion and I were just giddy with excitement because this could be our first, REAL person to teach or at least plant a seed. We asked the man if he was LDS and he replied he was Buddhist and that he’s been to our church a couple times. He immediately got called back to the doctors and we were heartbroken we didn’t get to talk more with him. After he left my companion and I were determined we would talk to him when he got out of his appointment so we planned out exactly what to say. We said a prayer together, asked for guidance and most importantly, had faith. About five minutes later we see a man walk in with a young boy. The man was wearing very worn out clothes, he had many piercings and tattoos, and he looked like someone who’s gone through a lot. He walked over to us and asked for a pen and paper. We got talking to him, asked him where he was from, all about his two sons who he adores and his horrible addiction to drugs and his music career. He completely opened up to us. We asked him if he’d like to talk to missionaries and he said YES! He’s been in such a dark place for so long, he loves God and wants to find happiness. He is such a champion! Something absolutely amazing… He said that he was outside walking and he felt an impression to go inside the Urgent Care Center. He walked inside, looked right at us and had a desire to talk to us. He mentioned that when he looked at my companion and I, we had such an amazing ora about us, that we had a special light. After about an hour of talking to him we got up and gave him a Book of Mormon. He said, “well, I’ve got nothing to lose”. We promised him that it would bless him, protect him and bring him so much happiness. Gunnar wrote down all of his information and we referred him to missionaries in the area.

I can testify to you that God really does answer our prayers. God knows each of us, our challenges, needs and we when need Him the most, he will send someone to get us out of the darkness. I know that Gunnar was suppose to meet us. We may never know what happened to that incredible man, but I hope that Gunnar felt the love I had for him. As we were talking with Gunnar, I didn’t look at his tattoos or piercings, or judge him for the mistakes he’s made. I had so much love and appreciation for him and I looked at him as though Heavenly Father would. It was a remarkable day and a day I will never forget.
God really does work in mysterious ways. I am so glad he sent Gunner to meet Dohm Nover and I.
Thank you again for all your love and support. You’ll never know how much it means.
-Whittaker Nővér