Hello Friends and Family,
This week I officially hit my year mark!! It has been a year I will never forget and I have learned and grown in so many ways that I can’t explain. My love for the Hungarians has grown, for the gospel and for the Lord. How blessed I feel to be serving in such an incredible country doing the Lord’s work.
Many wonderful things happened this week and we have the most amazing investigators. We met with the coolest guy this week and he told us how his mother passed away about 5 years ago and how much he misses her. I feel so grateful to know that death isn’t the end and soon we can live with our loved ones forever. Sister Wilson and I are so excited to teach him about God’s plan and how he can see his mother again.
We had family night this week at a member’s home and it was a great turn out. We baked pigs fat over the fire and spread the juices over bread. If that doesn’t sound appetizing I don’t know what does! Later we had dessert and ended with a beautiful testimony meeting. The spirit was so strong and peaceful hearing others bare testimony of what they know and love to be true. I love this gospel; I love the happiness I get from it everyday and knowing that I have a loving Heavenly Father up above who knows me individually.
Thank you all for your love and support. I love you all so very much. Have a great week.
All my love,
Whittaker Nővér