Hello friends and family!
I can’t believe how fast this week has flown by and yet again its Monday. We had such a great week full of all kinds of miracles. This week I was able to watch, Meet the Mormons and I loved it. I recommend you all to see it. Last Monday we started off the week right by going to the zoo with one of the sweetest, cutest ladies that I know. We had a great time looking at all the animals and she even brought a big box of chocolates for us to eat in the middle of the forest. I just love her.
Our investigator who has a baptismal date is still on board for baptism and is doing amazing!! I think the biggest thing I noticed is the change in him since we first met him. Truly the gospel changes people and slowly opens their hearts.
Have I mentioned how wonderful the ice cream here is? Oh happy day!
This week in Nyiregyháza they had a big concert celebrating the birthday of the shopping center in the square. They had all kinds of music, folk dancing and food. To top the night off, one of Hungary’s most famous singing groups, “Csik” came and sang. As I looked around at all the Hungarians singing and dancing along, all I could think about was how much I will miss them and serving in Hungary when my mission is over. I have loved every second of my mission. There have been hard times, good times and times that I have never felt happier. You grow to love the people more then you could ever imagine. I feel so blessed to be here as a missionary.
I have a testimony of this gospel and I know it’s true with all my heart. I have seen so many lives transformed because of the gospel in their life.
I want to wish all the mothers I know, Happy Mother’s Day! I want to thank my mom, my sister and my grandmother for their perfect, loving examples.
I hope you all have a wonderful week. I love you all so much. God bless!