Hello Friends and Family,
It was such a rewarding, eventful week!
We had one of the most amazing programs this week with our investigator, Helga. We had planned to give her a baptismal date and felt very good about it. During our program she mentions how she has been praying for the perfect date to be baptized. December 5th will be her special day. We couldn’t be happier. I’m especially excited because I will still be here! We got the sweetest text from her this week telling us that one of her conferences had canceled so she decided to sit down and read 40 pages from the Book of Mormon. She is truly the most amazing person I know.

While out streeting we walked past this couple who was speaking English. Quite surprised, we turned around to ask them where they were from. Turns out, the women is from Cleveland and was visiting for only a week. Before she previously came, she had talked with a girl who had served an LDS mission in Hungary. We got talking about the Mormon church and exchanged information. What a coincidence!
We pulled out the soccer ball and had an aggressive game of futball with the elders and some of our investigators. We had a great game and in the end no one ended up getting hurt. Unfortunately, the next day we were too sore to walk.

Something amazing happened this week while out tracting. It was cold and freezing, we weren’t having any luck and everyone was telling us no. Feeling a bit disappointed, we said a prayer. Heading home I look over at a pink house and have the thought to cross the street and ring the bell. Following the promptings of the spirit, we rang the bell and no one answered. Feeling even more disappointed, we decided to head home for the night. As we were walking, we see this women walking up along the street. We stop her and get talking to her. She knew who we were and had met with missionaries awhile back. She was so happy we had stopped her! “You are always so welcome to come and visit with me. I live just in that pink house!” What a testimony builder it was for me to know that God does answer our prayers and all we need to do is listen, and through the Spirit, we can receive guidance and direction. God is so aware of us and our lives.

We have had so many incredible miracles this week. Even though we found ourselves doing hours of finding, we found new people ready for the Gospel.
I am so grateful to be on a mission and to be apart of the Lords work. I hope you all have a great week.
Sok Szeretettel, Whittaker Nővér
And a big shoutout to my cousin Talon and my best friend Kenzie who get home from their missions this week. I love you both!