Sister Whittaker’s 12th Week in Hungary

October 13, 2014


This week has been full of miracles and finding many new people to teach. But we started the week off on p-day by going go-carting and eating American style burgers. It felt like the good ole days back in Provo.


We have the most incredible investigators and found three more to teach that are ready and prepared. Funny story that happened…One day we were out streeting and we stopped a guy who looked around 30 and very friendly. He was completely open to what we had to say and was interested in receiving the Book of Mormon. Now in Hungary, that is very rare. We were completely taken back, and he asked us if he could meet with us. HE asked us! We then gave him a Book of Mormon and he said, “Well I can’t wait to read it, where do I start so we can talk about it later?” At this time, we thought he was totally joking with us. We met with Kristian yesterday, and all I can say is that I know God is preparing people. Kristian told us that for a while now he has been praying about what church to join. He said that day when we stopped him was a sign for him of what he should do. I know God is very aware of each and every one of us. He loves us so much!

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Anikő is an absolute champion! We taught her the Plan of Salvation and she loved it. In her prayer she said that she thinks this is what she has been looking for her whole life. That she is grateful for the Book of Mormon and the peace is brings her. She is the sweetest, cutest little thing who always has a smile on her face. She came to church this Sunday and loved it. As I said before, God is preparing everyone!



I go on splits every week with Sister Martineau and this week she came to Buda to stay with me. She and I don’t know the language all that well, but we trusted in the Lord and opened our mouths. I see myself progressing with the language everyday. It is hard, and you hear thousands of times, Nem értem (I don’t understand) but that is what helps you progress. Even if the language is limited, the spirit is what touches the hearts. We were very successful and found more future investigators.

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We didn’t have any unusual food this week, but I have grown to love the Hungarian food. I want you all to know that I am enjoying meat now and I am brave enough to just eat it.  Last week we had fajita night with the Elders and there is a rule that you can’t eat it in each other’s apartment. So, we literally ate it right outside of the door. As we were cooking, the elders were waiting for us outside and they were setting up the table and as Hungarian people would walk past them with confused looks, the Elders told them it was a tradition in America that people have to eat outside of each other’s apartments.


Sister Jensen and I started a tradition where every Thursday we have “Fajita Thursday“. It is quite delicious and makes things feel like home.

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I love it here. Buda is such a hoppin, busy city with so much to do. We have a great strong ward; incredible investigators and we have opportunity to speak the most beautiful language. I just love it here!

week_20_hungary11 I love this gospel. I know God lives and loves each and everyone of us.

I hope you all have a fun, safe week! You’re always in my prayers!

All my love, Whittaker Nővér

« Sister Whittaker’s 11th Week in Hungary Sister Whittaker’s 13th Week in Hungary »